The New Year can mean a new you!
Addiction Services Council is ready to help you navigate a lifetime of recovery - and we’re proud of all community members who are making their first steps. Whether you’re taking your beginning to move toward recovery or you are trying to get back on track, you are making a courageous decision. If you’ve decided to leave substance abuse behind, give our 24-hour helpline a call today at 513-281-RHAC (7422).
Learn more about the other recovery and prevention services we offer to help you and your family heal together here:
#addictionrecovery #addictionsupport #addictiontreatment #newyearnewyou #2021 #greatercincinnati #24hourhelpline #addictionresources #addictionisreal #SubstanceAbuseAwareness #SubstanceAbusePrevention #substanceabusetreatment

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