Have you become very good at hiding your anxiety? Or do you actively try to keep it below the surface so others don’t know? Do you mask your anxiety with alcohol or other substances? If you said yes to any of these, it’s time to talk about it with a mental health or addictions professional! “Stuffing” your anxiety can lead to a more long lasting and emotionally damaging issue in the near future. It doesn’t take long for anxiety to surface, the truth is- we aren’t great at hiding it even when we think we are. It manifests into physical symptoms that can truly damage our daily functioning. It’s okay to be anxious or have anxiety, it’s not okay to suffer in silence. #anxiety#recovery#courage#bravery#therapy#counseling#addictionrecovery#ptsdwareness#ptsdwarrior#traumarecovery#anxiouspeople#mentalhealthmatters#talkaboutit#destigmatizementalillness#wellness#love#loveyourself#mindfulness#heslthylifestyle#cantonohio#starkcountyohio

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