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Stark County TASC, Inc. - 8/20/2020

PSA: We all struggle with urges to do things that are not very helpful to us. This can include the urge to engage in drug use, alcohol use, disordered eating, self-harm behaviors, anger/rage, reconnecting with unhealthy relationships and toxic people, or self-sabotage behaviors. Urges are like waves, they rise in intensity, peak, and eventually crash. Urge Surfing is a tool that can be used to ride out the urge or craving. Surf the Urge by noticing your thoughts, feelings, and the craving. Accept and attend to the internal feeling and external or physical reaction to the urge or craving. Sit with it- ride it out- give your body and brain a chance to pause. Don’t act on impulse. Breathe it out. the wave will end.. #urgesurfing#addictionrecovery#addiction#ridethewave#deepbreathing#mindfulness#meditation#ptsdsurvivor#counseling#aodcounselor#tools#wellness#mentalhealthawareness#trauma#healthycopingskills#cope#love#selfcare

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